A diving whale, placed in calm waters like lakes, is not just an eye-catcher. This mechanical whale fluke has a positive impact on the environment and contributes to sustainability, species protection, water conservation and nature conservation.
The oxygen supply of the water treatment has a positive influence on the flora and fauna. This benefits both living beings above and below water. This innovative solution is used to reduce the recurring algae infestation in still waters.
The artwork, a fluke of a diving whale, contributes to sustainability in various climate-friendly areas and is visible to the environment. The art object consists of polyester concrete (with fiberglass snippets) and adhesive emulsion or is completely implemented with epoxy resin coating and fiber mats (as in yacht construction).
This art object is ideal for cities and communities with problems in their calm waters, lakes, castle ponds or on golf courses and could also be displayed at garden shows to stimulate discussion among visitors.

Immersed in old and new urban development projects, Werner's Whale invites you to sojourn and engage in discussion.

Switzerland may not have any seas, but why should that prevent them from having a whale?
After all, people at Lake Lucerne also want to experience a bit of "ocean feeling" in the heart of the Alps!
After all, people at Lake Lucerne also want to experience a bit of "ocean feeling" in the heart of the Alps!

On the Kö, you find the most expensive boutiques and the sleekest cars. So why shouldn't the canal host the most exclusive animal as well? A whale simply brings that extra something to the city.
So, Düsseldorf, are you ready for the coolest resident in town? Let's welcome the whale to Königsallee, because Werner's whale is making a stopover on the Kö on its way out into the world!

The Oberbaum Bridge in Berlin connects the districts of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain over the Spree and is the landmark of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Originally there was a wooden bridge at this point, intended to collect customs duties. In 1896, today's neo-Gothic bridge was built, allowing both rail and road traffic. The bridge was badly damaged during WW II, but was repaired. In divided Berlin, the Oberbaum Bridge served as a border point and was closed during the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. It was only reopened to pedestrians in 1972.
The whale symbolizes that no borders are - and should be - insurmountable!

The Wannsee lido in Berlin has been the largest inland lake swimming pool in Europe since 1907. A special attraction in this swimming pool can be a whale fluke, which is integrated into the swimming area. This whale figure not only serves as an eye-catcher, but also as a play object that swimmers can use to playfully shower.

The Badeschiff in Berlin (Spree Swimming Pool) - an anchored barge houses the floating bathing establishment in the heart of Berlin's Spree and was designed as an urban art project.
Werner's whale, attached to the outside of the head, brings a rush of water into the swimming pool via its fluke. Bathers can shower and have fun.
Werner's whale, attached to the outside of the head, brings a rush of water into the swimming pool via its fluke. Bathers can shower and have fun.

The majestic whale swims and dives through canals and bridges, visually overcoming the connections between A and B.

With his grace and strength he connects places and people,
as he continues his own journey, elegant and carefree.
It symbolizes the power of connection and the joy of exploration,
and leaves a trail of fascination and wonder along his path.
as he continues his own journey, elegant and carefree.
It symbolizes the power of connection and the joy of exploration,
and leaves a trail of fascination and wonder along his path.

Experience the magic of this unique work of art that creates a harmonious connection between the history of the Old Bridge and the majestic beauty of the sea. The diving whale becomes a topic of conversation and attracts visitors from all over the world who are amazed by its impressive presence and the interplay of art and nature.
Whether you cross the Old Bridge, take a walk along the Neckar or simply enjoy the panorama - the diving whale will offer you an unforgettable experience. Let yourself be enchanted by its charisma and feel the boundless fascination that it creates in Heidelberg and beyond.
Come by and become part of this extraordinary experience! Werner's diving whale at the Old Bridge awaits you with open arms and will impress you with its international fame and flair of art and culture.
Immerse yourself and let yourself be enchanted!

Werner’s Whale appears majestically in all its glory as it elegantly dives through ponds, lakes and castle ponds. But its appearance is not only an aesthetic enrichment, it also brings with it many practical advantages.

Thanks to its unique water mixing and surge-like supply of oxygen, the whale actively contributes to combating algae infestation in water bodies. This natural cleaning function ensures clear and healthy water, which in turn saves costs. The whale is therefore not only an impressive attraction, but also a valuable partner for the water owners.

Werner's whale fluke is attached precisely to a bollard by passing it through an overpipe inside the whale. In the lower third, a floating body is attached to the overcolumn, which causes the design whale to rise and fall in waves, as can be seen when a whale dives down properly.
In addition, a photovoltaic system will be installed on top of the fluke to supply all mechanical supplies, cables, lamps, pumps and filter systems in the whale with their own electricity. This innovative technology means the whale is operated sustainably and energy-efficiently.
The precise construction and integration of the photovoltaic system make Werner's whale fluke a technically advanced and environmentally friendly work of art. It's not just its aesthetic appearance that impresses, but also the well-thought-out mechanisms inside, which ensure a self-sufficient energy supply.
Experience the symbiosis of art and technology with Werner's whale fluke. Admire not only the impressive design, but also the clever integration of environmentally friendly energy generation. Immerse yourself in a world where aesthetics and sustainability merge and be inspired by the innovative solutions in the interior of whales.